We Contributed to Two of Times Magazines Most Beautiful Games 2015!
An article in Time Magazine was recently published proclaiming the ten most beautiful games of 2015. We were surprised and excited to...
Quick Math Jr Gets Medieval Island
An update to Quick Math Jr. featuring three new games was released today. We added to the zany sounds of the original with these medieval...
SOMA - Voice Design
SOMA is released! Wow what an experience. We created all the datamines and audiologs and all the old in-game voice recordings. It was...

Skater by Frosch Media Wins 'Breakout Title'
Frosch Media's iOS game 'Skater' won in the 'Breakout Title' Category. We had a hell of a lot of fun recording the skate sounds for the...

G.A.N.G Award!
As mentioned in the BAFTA news post, we WON! Best Audio in an Indie Game! It was a tie with Transistor. Transistor! We tied! Incredible...

The BAFTAs were great! Although we didn't win, getting the "Games: Audio Achievement" nomination amongst such fine examples of excellent...
Alto's Adventure Released
Alto's Adventure is the most mellow snowboarding game you will ever find. It was a real challenge to maintain a calm, almost meditative...

BAFTA Nomination!
We have been nominated for a BAFTA! The category is "Games: Audio Achievement" for Stoic Studio's The Banner Saga. As you can imagine, we...
Helping out on Frictional's SOMA
For the last couple of months we have been heads down helping out on Frictional Games new scifi horror production, SOMA. This game is...

Recording Trip - 'The Forest'
Getting the right sound throughout 'The Forest' is paramount. We are going for realistic, perfect, beauftiful audio to highten and...